Thursday, October 17, 2013

Alvin Community College Health Fair

Enjoyed being out at Alvin Community College for their Health Fair. Thank you for having us and to everyone we got a chance to meet and speak to!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

World Spine Day

For more information on World Spine Day check out this website.

Monday, October 14, 2013

GBC on Instagram

Did you know that you can now find us on Instagram? 
GBCChiro or #gbcchiro
We have expanded our reach a little further into the Social Media Sphere. Help us out by checking out our photos.

Do you use Instagram?

Office Fall Dinner & Pumpkin Carving

Last night we had our office staff gather together for dinner and pumpkin carving with our kids. It is always nice to spend time with each other in a non-work setting. We have such wonderful people that work in our office. We enjoyed a carry-in dinner and then went straight to the pumpkin carving.

Everyone enjoyed slurping up the noodles. While the adults picked up dinner the kids had a great time playing with legos.
Then the pumpkin carving commenced...
Here are the final results of our pumpkin masterpieces.

Some of our little ones got a little help from mom and dad. But they all loved their final pumpkins and the parents had the sore arms to prove a job well done.
In case you wondered what a few of them looked like in the dark.

Here is the pumpkin we carved for the office. 
And here it is in its place of honor.
After we worked hard on our pumpkins we ended the night with a creature themed cake decorated by one of the kids.
Hope you enjoyed our recap of our wonderfully fun night of food, family and pumpkins!

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Spotlight Sasha

Today we are going to spotlight our most senior staff member Sasha Salas. When asked an interesting fact about her she gave the these gems. 

"My Last name can be spelled the same way front and back SalaS"
" When my mom was pregnant with me she wanted to name me after her favorite Mexican singer of the time regardless of whether I was a boy or girl. His name was Ricardo but lucky for me a few weeks before I was born she heard a song she liked and that lead singers name was Sasha and that is how I got my name"
Do you have an interesting story of how you got your name? We would love to hear it.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Sports Fans

Day 12 of Get To Know GBC has us talking sports.

Since it is the weekend I thought we would talk about our favorite sport.
An overwhelming majority of the staff and doctors rank football as their favorite sport. This time of year there is plenty of football everywhere to enjoy.
Are you a big sports fan, if so what is your favorite sport?

Friday, October 11, 2013

The Most Important Meal

I am sure that most of you have heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

In case you ever wondered what our favorite breakfast is - BiBi and Sahsa R. will take a good breakfast taco any day. BiBi likes her taco with picante sauce and Sasha R. sometimes skips the taco for a little oatmeal. Dr. Max likes eggs for breakfast and so does Dr. Nicole but she prefers hers with some french toast. Sasha S. likes a little chorizo con huevos (sausage and eggs) with black beans.

What do you like for breakfast?

A Survivor's Story

Today we have a very special guest post from a member of Dr. Max's family. Here is his mother-in-law's story about surviving breast cancer and how she has turned her experience into helping others.

My Story
Very few people will go through life without being faced with life altering situations.  Until one is faced with cancer as a caregiver or as having the disease themselves they really can't even begin to imagine how life changing it is.   Cancer has taken me to a different level of appreciation for life. I lost my Dad to cancer in 1998.  I watched him suffer an unbearable sickness.  There was absolutely nothing I could do and it was very frustrating. So, you can imagine my fear in 2004 when I myself heard those words 
"you have cancer".  
I was filled with anger and devastation.  I had only seen through the eyes of being the person watching, caring for and loving the cancer patient.  Now, I was the patient.  I can tell you that cancer treatment is bad enough just from watching what it does to a loved one, but I can also tell you first hand from being the person undergoing that treatment, it is barbaric.  Your lows couldn't get any lower.  You think you couldn't get any sicker, but you can.  Just when you are feeling human again, its time for another treatment.  
I have made a commitment to myself to make the life I live a better one through appreciating every day that God has given me and using that day to make a difference in the lives around me.  One of those commitments I have made is to help raise money with my friend Ann for cancer research. For the last 5 years, we have co-coordinated the BUFFALO STAMPEDE AGAINST CANCER raising money for finding a cure. Thanks to people like you who take the time to support breast cancer research to help find a cure, together, we CAN make a difference.  
Early detection can save lives. 
  Get your mammograms, don't put off to tomorrow what could save your life today.  
Today is the best day of my life ever……..

Barbara Davis, 9 year Breast Cancer Survivor.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Transform Fitness This Saturday

FREE foam rolling and stretching seminar by Dr. Max Vige of Gateway Bay Colony Chiropractic at the Transform Fitness studio this Saturday 9:15am. Come get info in techniques to better protect your body from risk of injury, learn to effectively work out soreness, increase flexibility. Studio is located at 12003 Delany Road, La Marque TX 77568 For more information about Transform Fitness you may go to their website or visit their Facebook page. Let them know that we sent ya!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Fresh and Fruity

As you well know fruit is and important part of a healthy balanced diet - Here are the fruits preferred by us here at GBC. 
Dr. Nicole - Blueberries
BiBi - Strawberries
Sasha R. - Grapes
Dr. Max - Pineapple
Sasha S. - Mango
We have a fruit salad worth of different tastes in this group! Whichever your fruit of choice is try to enjoy at least some each day.
By the way what is your favorite fruit?

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

What Does Your Favorite Color Say About You?

What does your favorite color say about you?

Dr. Nicole and Sasha R. are both fans of BLUE - Soft, soothing, compassionate and caring.
Dr. Max has GRAY as his favorite color - Diligent, fans of gray search for composure and peace and often work hard without reward. 
BiBi is a PINK girl - Love, affection and maternal instincts. 
What do you think, do they fit?

Monday, October 7, 2013

Team Player

Oct 7th - Day 7 of Get To Know GBC Today we highlight a fact about Dr. Max. Did you know that Dr. Max was a part of two Conference USA Championship teams when he played football for the University of Southern Mississippi Golden Eagles. Dr. Max enjoyed being on a winning team as much back then as he does with his GBC team now.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

She Likes School

Oct 6th - Day of Get To Know GBC Today we highlight a fact about Dr. Nicole. Did you know that Dr. Nicole liked school so much she had attended 11 different schools before graduating from High School. Maybe she moved around a lot... Whichever it is we are glad she decided to be a Chiropractor.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

What Do You Want To Be?

Oct 5th - Day 5 of Get To Know GBC

Today is a little something about our staff - 
BiBi says her dream job is to be a police officer. Watch out everyone one of these days you may be pulled over by Officer BiBi. 
Sasha R. wants to be a Chiropractor when she grows up. 

Watch out for more fun facts about our staff and our doctors in the upcoming weeks as you get to know us better.

Friday, October 4, 2013

GBC Pink Fridays!

Every Friday during the month of October is Wear Pink Friday!! At Gateway Bay Colony we are wearing our pink in support of Breast Cancer Awareness each Friday during the month of October again this year! 

We will donate $1 for each new Facebook page like during the month and also for each patient who comes into the office wearing pink on Fridays. Share this post with your friends and family to help us raise money for Breast Cancer Research.

Our Facebook Page -

What All Do You Do?

Oct 4th - Day 4 of Get To Know GBC
Today we answer the question...What all do you do? 

At GBC we work with our patients by using a variety of therapies such as 



Rehab Therapy 

Kinesio taping 

just to name a few. 

Want to learn more...You can read about our therapies in more detail on our website ( 

Thursday, October 3, 2013

How Long Have We Been Around?

For Day 3 of 31 Days of GBC Info we answer the question...How Long Have We Been Around?

Dr. Max has been with Gateway for 10 years. Doors opened on the first location in April 2003. We have enjoyed the last 10 years and look forward to the future. Here is to a Happy Decade to Dr. Max and GBC!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

October 2nd - Relatives?

Here is something you may not know about us. 
Two of our staff are related. 
In fact Sasha and Bibi are sisters! 

Now can you guess which Sasha is Bibi's sister?

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Tuesday, October 1, 2013

October 1st - Our Doctors

We hope you learn a little bit more about us during this month. The first bit of info is about our Doctors - 

Dr. Max and Dr. Nicole both graduated from Texas Chiropractic College.

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Want To Get To Know Us Better?

This month here on the blog as well as on our Facebook page and Twitter, we are letting you get to know us a little better. Each day we will post a fact or interesting tidbit on GBC, Our Doctors or Staff. We hope that you come away from October knowing us just a little bit better.

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