Sunday, August 25, 2013

Back to School: 6 Tips For Backpack Safety

Can you believe it is back to school time already? In order to help prepare for getting your kids back to school in proper fashion we are providing you with tips on backpack safety from the American Chiropractic Association.

Did you know that backpacks are the leading cause of shoulder and back pain in children? Here is a checklist created by the American Chiropractic Association: The ACA offers the following checklist to help parents select the best possible backpack for their children:
• Is the backpack the correct size for your child? The backpack should never be wider or longer than your child’s torso, and the pack should not hang more than 4 inches below the waistline. A backpack that hangs too low increases the weight on the shoulders, causing your child to lean forward when walking.
• Does the backpack have two wide, padded shoulder straps? Non-padded straps are not only uncomfortable, but also they can place unnecessary pressure on the neck and shoulder muscles.
• Does your child use both straps? Lugging a heavy backpack by one strap can cause a disproportionate shift of weight to one side, leading to neck and muscle spasms, low-back pain, and poor posture.
• Are the shoulder straps adjustable? The shoulder straps should be adjustable so the backpack can be fitted to your child’s body. The backpack should be evenly centered in the middle of your child’s back. • Does the backpack have a padded back? A padded back not only provides increased comfort, but also protects your child from being poked by sharp edges on school supplies (pencils, rulers, notebooks, etc.) inside the pack.
• Does the pack have several compartments? A backpack with individualized compartments helps position the contents most effectively. Make sure that pointy or bulky objects are packed away from the area that will rest on your child’s back, and try to place the heaviest items closet to the body.

The ACA recommends that parents or guardians help children pack their backpacks properly, and they should make sure children never carry more than 10 percent of their body weight. For example, a child who weighs 100 pounds shouldn’t carry a backpack heavier than 10 pounds, and a 50-pound child shouldn’t carry more than 5 pounds. In addition, parents should ask their children to report any pain or other problems resulting from carrying a backpack.

Dr. Max and Dr. Nicole are both trained in chiropractic care for children. If your child reports pain or you notice changes in his posture, please give us a call or ask us about your child’s spine when you are in for your regular adjustment. Wishing you all the best for a happy and healthy school year!

Monday, August 5, 2013

Healthy Recipe - Kale Chips

Confession time - I love chips! I love salty, crunchy chips! So when I heard about Kale Chips I had to give them a shot and that is not all of the confession. I can eat a whole bunch of Kale in the form of Kale Chips all by myself without sharing with anyone. I guess it is good to say that Kale is a guilty pleasure right?

So are you curious yet?

1 bunch of Kale
2Tbs olive oil
1 lemon
1 pinch of seasoned salt

First you prepare your bunch of Kale by tearing off the leafy part and leaving the stalk and midrib behind. Try to inch square size pieces but if not that's ok. When you are finished removing the leafy part from the stems wash all the Kale and then dry thoroughly with a paper towel. Once Kale is dry add olive oil to your bowl of Kale. Make sure all of your Kale is coated. If there are dry sections you can add a little more oil till coated. Then squeeze on your lemon juice. If you like a lemony flavor use the whole lemon if you want a little less lemon flavor just use one half of the lemon or you can leave out the lemon all together if you don't like it. Toss/stir to coat Kale with lemon juice.
Now for the fun part. I have a microwave dehydrator from Bed, Bath and Beyond so I can make my chips in a flash. If you have one as well lay them out on top of the dehydrator and then sprinkle with seasoned salt. With my microwave it takes 3 minutes to make chips. I would recommend starting off with a minute and a half then check them if not crispy then add more time till they are dry and flaky.
If you do not have a microwave dehydrator take heart you can do this in your oven as well. Take a cookie sheet and lay out your kale on the cookie sheet. Then sprinkle with the seasoned salt. Crank the oven up to 275° F and bake for 20 minutes.

Let me know what you think of Kale chips!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Plantar Fasciitis

Like most people I am sure you have heard the term Plantar Fasciitis but unless you have suffered from it you may not know what it is. Here is an overview so you can be more well-informed. If any of this sounds familiar to something you are suffering with feel free to call our office so we can help you with a treatment plan. 

Plantar Fasciitis
Anatomy:  The plantar fascia is a thick, broad, inelastic band of fibrous tissue that courses along the bottom (plantar surface) of the foot. It is attached to the heel bone (calcaneus) and fans out to attach to the bottom of the metatarsal bones in the region of the ball of the foot. Because the normal foot has an arch, this tight band of tissue (plantar fascia) is at the base of the arch. In this position, the plantar fascia acts like a bowstring to maintain the arch of the foot.

Causes: Plantar fasciitis refers to an inflammation of the plantar fascia. The inflammation in the tissue is the result of some type of injury to the plantar fascia. Typically, plantar fasciitis results from repeated trauma to the tissue where it attaches to the calcaneus. This repeated trauma often results in microscopic tearing of the plantar fascia at or near the point of attachment of the tissue to the calcaneus. The result of the damage and inflammation is pain.
 If there is significant injury to the plantar fascia, the inflammatory reaction of the heel bone may produce spike-like projections of new bone called heel spurs. The spurs are not the cause of the initial pain of plantar fasciitis; they are the result of the problem. Most heel spurs are painless. Occasionally, they are associated with pain and discomfort and require medical treatment or even surgical removal Plantar fasciitis (heel-spur syndrome) is a common problem among people active in sports, especially runners. It typically starts as a dull, intermittent pain in the heel and may progress to sharp, constant pain. Often, it is worse in the morning or after sitting, and then decreases as the patient begins to walk around. In addition, the pain usually increases after standing or walking for long periods of time, and at the beginning of a sporting activity. Often people who develop plantar fasciitis have several risk factors for doing so. 
They include: 
• Flat feet
• High arched, rigid feet 
• Increasing age and family tendency 
• Running on toes, hills or very soft surfaces (sand) 
• Poor arch support in shoes 
• Rapid change in activity level

TREATMENT: Fortunately, the majority of cases of plantar fasciitis respond favorably to non-operative treatment such as chiropractic care. However, the recovery time varies tremendously from patient to patient. While some patients may be healed after 6 weeks of treatment, others may require 6 months or longer for recovery. In addition, the methods of treatment that may work for one patient may not be successful in another patient. Typically, the methods of treatment that are attempted include anti-inflammatory mediation, icing, stretching, Graston Technique, activity modification, and heel inserts.

Gateway Bay Colony Chiropractic - 281-337-7000  -